Bottom Line – Premium Business Landing Page



Bottom Line - Watch the 1 min Quick Intro Video
Bottom Line is a premium landing page geared towards businesses. It’s packed with awesome features that will allow you to showcase your product or service in a professional manner and by doing so, increase your conversion rate. With 4 different page templates and clean structure, it’s super easy to customize and find the page layout that suits you best. It’s also responsive which means it will offer the same great user experience no matter what it’s viewed on: PC’s, tablets or smartphones.

The theme has a built in, functional, AJAX contact form and it’s designed so that you can easily integrate MailChimp, Campaign Monitor or any kind of sign-up form.


  • Working AJAX Contact Form with CAPTCHA Support
  • Easy Integration with MailChimp and Campaign Monitor
  • Customizable Pricing Table
  • Optimized for Conversion
  • Tabs and Product Tour
  • Testimonials
  • SEO-ready
  • Improved Page Loading Speed
  • Built on Twitter Bootstrap
  • Easily Customizable
  • Responsive Layout
  • Compatible with All Modern Browsers, Internet Explorer 8 and Above
  • HTML5 Doctype with Valid HTML
  • CSS Sprites
  • Built with LESS
  • Extensive Documentation
  • 4 Different Page Template
  • Included PSD Files for Customization
  • Infinite Color Variations

Each page template has a similar structure. The only part that’s different is the banner area, the dark area below the logo. So, here are the 4 types of banners.

Default Page Template

Bottom Line - The Default Page Template
This template contains a product description along with a customizable pricing box. It’s a great page template is you want to show the pricing information at the very beginning.

Video Page Template

Bottom Line - The Video Page Template
This template allows you to embed a video. Either it’s a YouTube video or Vimeo or any kind of embeddable video, it will work just as well.

Sign-up Form Page Template

Bottom Line - The Sign-up Form Page Template
This contains a sign-up form. It’s great to use if you want to get some new leads or you simply want to offer the visitors a way to sign up to your services.

Image Page Template

Bottom Line - The Image Page Template
In case you want to include a screenshot of your application or product or you simply want to show some stock footage, this is the right template to use.

Landing Page Sections

Features Section
This section contains a list of features, each feature containing an icon, title and description.

Tabs and Product Tour
These are very similar in functionality. The tabs represent a traditional tab control and the product tour has a left hand side navigation making it a great tool for building complex presentations of your product or service.
Also, the tabs and product tour allow linking from the outside. This means you can have a button in the header for example and you can set it to open one of the tabs.

Pricing Tables
A pricing table is a must-have in any landing page that sells a subscription service or has a more complex pricing system for the products. The pricing tables in Bottom Line are really easy to customize and adapt to your plans. You can have 2, 3, 4 or even 6 columns if you want.

Another great feature in a landing page and one that improves conversion is testimonials. It’s always a good idea to showcase what other people are saying about your products. This is really easy to maintain and the navigation for them is generated automatically.

AJAX Contact Form with CAPTCHA Support
This is a working contact form that it’s really easy to customize and it’s gonna allow your potential clients to keep in touch with you.

Resources and Credits

  1. Custom Icons
  2. Nixus Icon Pack
  3. Somicro Social Icons Pack
  4. AJAX Contact Form; Extended by Jigowatt
  5. Folks Font

Thank You!

If you have questions or comments, please submit those to the Item Discussion section and if you purchased the theme please take a minute and rate it, it helps me a lot and it would be greatly appreciated.